Sunday, May 25, 2008

Our Favorite Words & Concepts

-The Conceptual Razor (my genius friend Ignazio Moresco came up with this; he does interaction design)
-Instant readability/legibility
-10 minutes a day



Erin said...

Tell me about the Conceptual Razor.

edibleoffice said...

Shaving an idea down to its core essence. Like how a blog post works best when there's only one main idea (I think), you want to cut out all extraneous matter so you stay focused on the kernel of meaning

Erin said...

Hmmm. I like that idea a lot. Much to think about.

edibleoffice said...

"unpacking an idea"
LET'S DEVELOP "packages" (suitcases? survival kits?) for our multi-platform tool

edibleoffice said...

"unpacking an idea"
LET'S DEVELOP "packages" (suitcases? survival kits?) for our multi-platform tool