Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Meaning of Odds & Ends
(+ see also)

odds & ends
knick knacks
the ampersand as a punctuation mark poets and information architects can't live without.
what does it take to be a botanist?
blog in progress is a redundancy (what's that term)
study group: literary terms (word a day)
focus and the challenges of not doing it
blog as a series
blog as scrapbook
blog as storage bin/filing system
blog as communication technology

that when, 10 years ago, you thought 'ah that's really trendy now' you had no idea that it would be a cultural explosion / dependency now

future trendspotters: another of our specialties
- is it intuition, research/social involvement/community, or manifest destiny

self-determination and what it means

challenges of special characters on the internet (file under: ampersand)

psychological analysis of our blog posts

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